What do Wonder Woman and The Last Jedi have in common? They were among the biggest box office hits in the world last year and more importantly, had strong female leads and heroines. Women in film are getting their due.
As the adapted screenplay for She Called Him Raymond takes shape, it occurs to me that although the role of women may have been more narrowly defined during the World War II era, there were fearless and adventurous women, like Wonder Woman. Women who were strong and undaunted, like Rey. We see all of those attributes and more in the character of Helen.
As a girl, Helen was willing to stand up for herself and her family against those who would do them harm. She ventured far outside the comfort of her Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, travelling across the country alone during the war. She confronted racism. She carried a dream and promise in her heart for more than six decades that she was determined to fulfill, overcoming all obstacles and fears.
Whether real or make believe, these women remind us that there are others all around us who are strong, tireless and successful. They smile through pain and fight battles no one knows about. They don’t find worth in a man, but find it in themselves. I don’t have to go to the movies to find women like these. I was raised by such a woman, lucky enough to marry one, and see those attributes grow in my daughter and granddaughter.
Ray that brought tears to my eyes. It brought back so many wonderful memories of my strong grandmother who got her family through the depression, sent three sons off to War and loved us all unconditionally. Thank you
Thanks for your message, Cheryl.Your grandmother and mine were strong women who endured many hardships while caring for their families during the Great Depression and World War II. Tom Brokaw got it right when he dubbed them, America’s Greatest Generation.