In my lifetime, I have never witnessed a Presidential race so lacking in intelligence and integrity. This is hardly the political culture that Raymond, Helen and the other victims and survivors of the Great Depression and World War II envisioned for America.
Ken Hannansays
Ray – I completely agree. Politicians and people in general have little or no appreciation for the sacrifices that have been made that enable them to live as they do. They take it for granted and don’t realize how frail the system is, and how quickly it can change without the proper leadership. The stalemate in DC is appalling, and contributing to the anger that is facilitating Mr. Trump’s rise in popularity, which I see as being akin to how Adolf Hitler came into power. My wife and I recently took our first “retirement trip” along the east coast, and stopped in Gettysburg for a day on the way back. Again, if people, and especially politicians would simply stop and think about how many have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy, it might motivate different behaviors.
Hi Ken. Thanks for your message. You are right, there is a lot of anger out there. Few politicians are motivated by a desire to develop and implement sound public policy. Preservation in office is often the motive, as is the disturbing practice of “cashing in” on their powerful, high profile positions.
Ray – I completely agree. Politicians and people in general have little or no appreciation for the sacrifices that have been made that enable them to live as they do. They take it for granted and don’t realize how frail the system is, and how quickly it can change without the proper leadership. The stalemate in DC is appalling, and contributing to the anger that is facilitating Mr. Trump’s rise in popularity, which I see as being akin to how Adolf Hitler came into power. My wife and I recently took our first “retirement trip” along the east coast, and stopped in Gettysburg for a day on the way back. Again, if people, and especially politicians would simply stop and think about how many have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy, it might motivate different behaviors.
Hi Ken. Thanks for your message. You are right, there is a lot of anger out there. Few politicians are motivated by a desire to develop and implement sound public policy. Preservation in office is often the motive, as is the disturbing practice of “cashing in” on their powerful, high profile positions.