She Called Him Raymond has been submitted for consideration for The Pulitzer Prize in the category of General Nonfiction. Admittedly, the likelihood of winning is a long shot, but it’s a shot. After the submission was made and all of the requisite information and materials were sent, we received email notification that the book was accepted. The nominated finalists and winners will be announced on April 18, 2016.
Those who have read the book , know that my grandmother, Maggie McGrath Gregg, believed in “signs” or omens. The Pulitzer Prize announcement date of nominated finalists and winners falls on my birthday. I will turn 61 that day and coincidentally, I first read the letter that started me on this journey 61 years after it was written. I never gave much credibility to my grandmother’s belief in omens or signs, but who am I to judge my grandmother’s wisdom.
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