“Anyone with a heart, with family, has experienced loss. No one escapes unscathed. Every story of separation is different, but I think we all understand that basic, wrenching emotion that comes from saying goodbye, not knowing if we’ll see that person again – or perhaps knowing that we won’t.” Author Luann Rice.
Whether you have shared a story about yourself or a member of your family with me at an event, by email or on social media, I offer you my sincere thanks.
One of the greatest gifts we can give our family is to record our recollections. Once we are gone, so are our memories. I am grateful that I interviewed our grandparents in the 1960’s to record what they could recall about our family history, which began our compilation of the family tree. I regret that I do not have an audio or visual recording of them relating this history, and that I did not think to do that with my father – oh the stories he could tell! With the technology available to us today, we should preserve our memories so that those that follow us will not feel the same loss.