“Ray O’Conor abandoned his career to search for his namesake,
a heroic B-17 pilot who died in World War II.
What he found touches the heart and stirs the soul.”
James Bradley
#1 New York Times Best Selling Author
Flags of Our Fathers and The China Mirage
“Ray O’Conor has a remarkable story of family, loyalty and heroism to tell.
His narrative inspires while tearing a hole in your heart.”
Brig. Gen. William Martin, U.S. Army, Ret.
President, The Initiatives Group
“This gripping narrative that lives in a son’s heart is a story that had to be told.”
Winifred Yu
Journalist and Author
“A poignant and thrilling American story, told with sensitivity and grace.”
Congressman Chris Gibson, Col., U.S. Army, Ret.
Veteran, Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom
“Beautifully written and extraordinarily moving. I couldn’t put it down.”
Teri P. Gay
Historian and Author of Strength Without Compromise
“A heroic tale of love, life, family, country and devotion. A compellingly written
story about people we all knew, or thought we did.”
Congressman Bill Owens, Ret., Former Captain, U.S. Air Force
“It’s a wonderful story. I think your book would make a beautiful movie.”
Debbie Meadows Fisher
“I finished the book in a day. It was so good I just couldn’t put it down. What a fabulous story. I felt as though I were there watching it all happen in front of me. Nothing could top it, but to see a movie made of your book.”
Carol Mackey
“Your book was wonderful! Thanks for sharing this part of your life with us.”
Bonnie Rosbozom
“I just finished reading She Called Him Raymond.
Absolutely wonderful. Inspirational and sad. I recommend it.
It would make a great movie!”
Ronnie Yacur
“I just finished reading She Called Him Raymond. I grew up knowing the story of Raymond and his beloved Helen, but in the pages of your book I have come to know them in a way I never thought possible. In telling their story you have given them life.
Thank you so much, Ray.”
Laurie Hughes Yeckle
“The best read! I can’t wait to see it as a movie.”
Joyce Papa
“Cover to cover in one night. The story must have run off your pen. Since the summer I have read, No Ordinary Time, by Doris Kearns Goodwin and Gregory Freeman’s,
The Forgotten 500, and now, She Called Him Raymond. I liked it best.”
Jim Millis
Empire Broadcasting Corporation
“The perfect beach read. The story is breathtaking.”
Jillian Mooney
“I just finished reading it (She Called Him Raymond) through tears. Thank you for this wonderful, beautiful, heartwarming book. God be with you, God bless you, God save you.”
Ruth Spencer
“If the Pulitzer Prize is awarded to the book that evokes the greatest number of tears
and memories of faith-based values, your book is a shoe-in to win.”
Jerry Crouth
Radio Host – WABY
“I felt compelled to write to you after reading your book. I bought it this morning on my kindle after finishing another book, coincidentally also about aviation – the Aviators. Well, I could not put your book down. The story is beautiful and very well written.
Perhaps you should have never been a banker.”
Kevin Hedley
“I read your book again. More slowly this time and I enjoyed it even more. It’s really a great story and very well written. You did a fantastic job. It’ll make a great movie!”
Michael Massiano
“Ray O’Conor was the popular president of Saratoga National Bank. Now, he’s the author of a compelling new story about love and promises.”
Benita Zahn
Anchorwoman, NBC-News Channel 13
“I just finished She Called Him Raymond. What an amazing journey.
So tender and so moving. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.”
Regina Coales
“It is indeeed, a moving story…”
Julian Horn
RAF Watton Contributor
“I read your book and loved it. I had an uncle that was killed in WWII. He had been wounded and taken prisoner and died as a POW. My family still has the telegrams and all of his letters. You said in your book that Raymond’s parents were never the same after his death. My aunts still can’t talk about my uncle without being overcome with emotion.”
Karen Mason
“What a wonderful, endearing and well-told story. I am taken by the strength of your grandmother and the challenges she faced with eight children and her enduring loyalty
to your grandfather, Pop. I believe you have a best seller on your hands.”
Paul Sausville
“I finished your book this morning, Mother’s Day. I can only imagine how proud your mother is. You captured the times to perfection. My parents were a few years older and my dad left a young wife and one year old daughter behind when he reported for duty. I was born on the day Helen and Raymond said goodbye for the first time, October 9, 1942. I can understand your need to write of their Love, Loss, Faith and Healing. Bravo!”
Lorraine Wright
“It made me cry and laugh. In a way, it brought me back to my first years in the USA.
I am going to read it again, because it is a very good story, masterfully written.
I cannot praise it enough.”
Reverend Giulio Mariani
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading your wonderful book. I felt like I was sitting in that room with you and your mom when she gave you that letter to read. Like I was just part of the family, learning about Raymond and Helen and their brief life together. It is a compelling story and I commend you for the excellent result of the task you took on.”
Robert Linn
“A beautiful story and lovely tribute to the author’s mother.
I couldn’t put it down and will be reading it again.”
Marta Ramey
The Lawrence County Briggs Library
“An extraordinary and unique story that needed to be shared.
A touching tale told with compassion, dignity, and interest.
My wife, sister-in-law and I look forward to hearing that a Pulitzer Prize comes your way.”
David McCracken
“My dad and three uncles served in WW II. I was in the Air Force during Vietnam, but sent to Greenland instead of Southeast Asia. My son and daughter-in-law served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thus, I have an inside view and appreciation of your book. Thank you for researching and writing Raymond and Helen’s poignant story.”
J.L. Holcomb
“I finished reading your book for the second time, and enjoyed it even more.
With the second anniversary of your mother’s passing coming next week and
Veteran’s Day soon after, it will certainly be a time of reflection for you.
In the spirit of reflection, be assured that there are many people, as do I,
who want to say thank you for authoring this story.”
Craig Gould
“I so enjoyed the people and history. It was sad, charming and very compelling.”
Dee Sarno
“I got the chills.”
Carole Schiraldi
“Thank you so very much for signing the book for me. Your message was touching. I also appreciate you signing one for my mom. She loves you as a writer, your use of language and your descriptions. As for me, it is the most touching story I have ever read. I will cherish this book and its message forever.”
Heather Richardson
“Wonderfully written. I love the creativity of the author and the way in which the story moves back and forth across time. A great read.”
Donna Kuhn Anderson
“This book has such heart.”
Heidi Kelly
Radio Host – WJKE
“A dynamic speaker with an inspirational story to tell.”
Edie Riker
Rotary International, Granville, New York
“A page turner and very compelling read.”
Steve Williams
The Daily Gazette
“I encourage everyone to read this true story of a World War II pilot and the strong, loving woman who supported his passion. Your heart strings will not let go of this story.”
Margaret Finn Jenny
“I was up all night, because I couldn’t put this book down.”
Barbara Tripodi Hodge
“Hearing Ray O’Conor speak about writing this story is not to be missed.
He is a born raconteur,”
Emily Muller
“O’Conor renders a heartfelt presentation that provides a glimpse into this
extraordinary true story of courage and inspiration.”
Scott Hayden – Boy Scouts of America
“Thank you for sharing another chapter in the incredible story
of the Greatest Generation.”
Mark Galough
“Touchingly told with both words and photographs.”
Rev. Martin Ralko
“Your presentation of the story, its discovery and its creation
was heartfelt and enjoyed by everyone.”
Marcia Rose Clark – Glens Falls Senior Writers Group
“It is 1:46 a.m. I am exhausted but could not go to sleep until I finished your book.
An incredible story.”
Bill Yaiser
“The story was told so naturally and vividly, I felt as though I was there.”
April Miller
“I’ve been a voracious reader since I learned how.
I’ve read hundreds of books, but this one touched me like no other.”
Elisa Bernardini Danz
“I was thrilled to see such a great crowd for our event, due in large part
to your story and reputation as an excellent speaker.”
Jenn Richard
Ballston Community Library
“It should win the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction
and will no doubt be adapted into an extraordinary film.”
Robert VanVranken
“Thank you for a great presentation. Everyone enjoyed it immensely.
Two thumbs up!”
John Greenwood
Greenfield Historical Society
“I found the historical details just as fascinating as the more intimate and touching moments. A truly amazing narrative.”
Allison Hegan
Gandolfo Helin & Fountain Literary Management
“I read this beautiful book on a long plane trip. I cried several times. I was too young to remember the Great Depression, but remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Two of my aunts lost loved ones in the war. One had to experience the heartache of losing a true love to really feel what poor Helen carried in her heart for all those years.
Ray O’Conor captures all of these emotions and more.”
Diane Fregeau
“What a beautifully written story. Through tears, I finished it this morning and was so moved. I saw you on television two weeks ago and knew this was a book I had to find. Thank you for sharing this story.”
Mary Fornabia
“A most beautiful and haunting love story.”
Dorothy Felton
Winchester, Hampshire – England
“A well written, heart wrenching story.”
John Page
“I am completely enthralled.”
Gail Carmichael Stein
“Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.”
Meg Kelly